class descriptions & requirements

kids Program


Students will learn the Basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, self-defense techniques, and bully prevention methods. Class is comprised of a warm up, Lessons in Throws, Pins and Submissions, Skill-building games and challenges, ending with rounds of monitored Rolling.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu is the most efficient martial art your children can learn. And one of the most helpful tools they will ever have at their disposal.

-Free Trial

-5 to 12 years old




Students will continue their BJJ study with techniques and self defense without the use of a Gi. Class is comprised of a warm up, takedown and ground techniques, ending with games and rounds of monitored Rolling.

-Free Trial

-5 to 12 years old


-Rashguard/Tshirt and Board Shorts/Gi Pants


A great way to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu together with your children. Parents and children train alongside each other, learning techniques and Rolling together, a wonderful time for the family!

-Free Trial

-3 yrs old and up

-Kids MUST be accompanied by Parent/Legal Guardian in class



adult / teen prograM


Students will study Basic, Intermediate and Advanced techniques of BJJ, Self Defense and Competition strategy, Class is comprised of a warm-up, a study of Takedown techniques, and Ground Techniques. Practice ends with Full rounds of Rolling starting on the ground or standing position.

-Free Trial

-Beginner White Belt and above

-Adults and Teens

-Requirements: Gi


Students will learn the basics, intermediate and advanced techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu without the use of a Gi. Class is comprised of a warm up, takedown and ground techniques, ending with specific and full rounds of rolling.

-Free Trial

-Beginner White Belt and above


-Rashguard and Board Shorts


Students will learn the basics of Mixed Martial arts combining grappling and striking styles. Class is comprised of a warm-up, lessons in striking Techniques, Grappling, Wall wrestling and Ground fighting, enhancing self defense skills, Cardio and Fitness.

-Free Trial

-All levels


-Rashguard / T-shirt and Board Shorts

-Hand wraps, MMA gloves, Boxing Gloves, Shin Guards, Mouthguard, *Headgear.


Students will learn the basics of Western Boxing, Muay Thai, and Kyokushin Karate styles. Class is comprised of a warm-up, lessons in Footwork, Shadow Boxing, Punching and Kicking Techniques, Partnered Pad Work, Heavy Bag work, enhancing striking skills, Cardio and Fitness.

-Free Trial

-All levels


-Rashguard / T-shirt and Board Shorts

-Hand wraps, Boxing Gloves, Shin Guards, Mouthguard, *Headgear


-Session of supervised Rolls. Timer is put on 5 minute rounds with a 1 minute break, students may spar (Roll), drill or exchange techniques.

-Members are free to train using our array of striking and strength & conditioning equipment. (No Sparring without Coach supervision)

A perfect time for students to review what they have learned during the week’s lesson plan.

-All Levels